There Are No Ceibas in Chicago
There are no ceibas in Chicago;
those great trees in whose tangled roots
my mother played in as a child
raising her ragdoll family.
She called them the Devil’s trees.
At night, I understood why
as I gazed at the enormous twists of wood—
jagged rents thru the raw enchanted earth
making a tropic connection
into Alice’s dream.
Crawling in on hands and feet,
I searched for the wondrous land
but the White Rabbit had moved
to the East Coast
and the Cheshire Cat
didn’t speak Spanglish.
“There Are No Ceibas in Chicago” was first published in ECOS: A Latino Journal of People’s Culture and Literature 2, no. 2 (1983), and subsequently published in It’s Not About Dreams (Erato/Poetry, 2014).
This poem is part of the portfolio “Salima Rivera: A Chicago Rican Poet.” You can read the rest of the portfolio in the March 2024 issue.
(March 2024)