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September 2008

Felix Sockwell, “Truth Seeker,” 2008.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Sasha Dugdale
  • Leila Wilson
  • Atsuro Riley
  • Dionisio Martínez
  • Kay Ryan
Image of poetry magazine September 2008
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Ten Moons

      By Sasha Dugdale
      And then came the ten moons
      Full in the sun’s glare, and the seraphim,
      And it was light all night in the orchards
      And on the plains and even in the towns
      And mankind rejoiced, because it was now the...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Nether

      By Leila Wilson
      Some land lives
      so water can comb

      it into grids. This
      is why lowlands

      tilt still toward
      the sea. This so

      we call our canal
      leaning horse,

      hat tempting wind,
      somewhere a tear

      in linen where
      the loom bent

      a heddle. We plant
      lapis in the middle


    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Clary

      By Atsuro Riley
      Her cart like a dugout canoe.

      Had been an oak trunk.

      Cut young.      Fire-scoured.

      What was bark what was heartwood :    P u r e   C h a r - H o l e

      Adze-hacked and gouged.

      Ever after (never not) wheeling hollow there behind...

Table of Contents

Philip Larkin: The Right Line