September 1962
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Richard Murphy
- A. Ammons
- Jack Hirschman
- Stephen Berg
- Wendell Berry
Table of Contents
I. A. Richards
William Childress
Ramon Guthrie
James Hearst
Stephen Berg
Robert S. Sward
Ruth Whitman
Bruce Cutler
Dudley Fitts
Galway Kinnell
Richard Murphy
A. R. Ammons
Jack Hirschman
- I. A. Richards
- Wendell Berry
- Larry Eigner
- William Childress
- Ramon Guthrie
- James Hearst
- Stephen Berg
- Hy Sobiloff
- Robert S. Sward
- Ruth Whitman
- Bruce Cutler
- Dudley Fitts
- Mona Van Duyn
- Dorothy Donnelly
- Galway Kinnell
- John Woods
- Richard Murphy
- A. R. Ammons
- Jack Hirschman