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October 2020

Cover Artist: Edra Soto

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Oli Rodriguez
  • Tianru Wang
  • Ed Roberson
  • Nathan Spoon
  • heidi andrea restrepo rhodes
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Lockdown Garden

      By Arvind Krishna Mehrotra

      Close to each other,
      socially undistanced,
      the mulberry leaves,

      uniformly green,
      shall turn brown together.
      It’s like a herd dying.


      Firm to begin with,
      the mud clod
      could’ve injured you.
      It crumbles in your hand.


      In the heap of  dead
      leaves crinkly as
      brown skins, those
      breathing things
      foraging around
      the bamboo stand
      are  jungle babblers.



    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Oracle Was Stoned

      By Chester Wilson III
      what would have happened had Achilles stayed
      entwined with you, his lover, in your bed, who could feel
      a pack of  Trojans through his letterman jacket
      but also the well of  the water styx he kept in a flask
      as he tried to end...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Dear Life

      By Maya C. Popa
      I can’t undo all I have done unto myself,
      what I have let an appetite for love do to me.

      I have wanted all the world, its beauties
      and its injuries; some days,
      I think that is punishment enough.

      Often, I received more than I’d...

Table of Contents

Papi Papi Papi