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October 2009

Valero Doval, "Drawers," 2008.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • W. Di Piero
  • A. Christie
  • Caleb Klaces
  • Kevin Young
  • Emily Fragos
Cover of Poetry Magazine October 2009 issue, featuring Valero Doval's drawing, "Drawers" (2008)
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine New Endymion

      By W. S. Di Piero
      She visits still too much, dressed in aromas
      of fir needles, mango, mold: I still get lost
      knowing she’s close, me not getting younger
      or more conscious. Sometimes I fantasticate
      I’m broad awake: her witchy presence waits
      for me to jump into her arms, but...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Hen Swallows a Worm or Slug

      By A. V. Christie
      We scratch at the backyard together
      through leaf mould, worm casings she kicks off
      in a fan behind her. I use a stick
      to dig, to find for her what she’s shown me
      near the roots, at the edge of a step—sticky
      slug on the...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Painting over Aya Sofia

      By Caleb Klaces
      A lot of the painting here is painting over.
      Can everyone at the back hear over everyone?
      Everyone is a blast of light seeping across the film.
      All day high toothy windows whiten in flashlight.

      We are much like we were: five times a...

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