May 1972
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Jack Anderson
- John Comer
- Greg Kuzma
- W. Merwin
- Charles Molesworth
Table of Contents
Charles Molesworth
Kin-Lau Wan
Jack Anderson
Barry Spacks
Colleen Thibaudeau
Greg Kuzma
Richard Schramm
Lisel Mueller
Mona Van Duyn
William Hunt
Charles Molesworth
- Some Locals
- Twenty Poems, by John Haines
- In the Happy Valley, by Tony Connor
- Earth Meditations: One to Five, by Mike Doyle
- Poems: 1962-69, by Jeff Nuttall
- Ransoms, by Leslie Norris
- Selected Poems: 1920/1970, by R. G. Everson
- Pop. By 1940: 40,000, by Harold Witt
- Nights of Naomi (Plus 2 Songs), by Bill Knott
- Charles Molesworth
- Kin-Lau Wan
- John Comer
- Jack Anderson
- Barry Spacks
- Colleen Thibaudeau
- Greg Kuzma
- Richard Schramm
- Lisel Mueller
- W. S. Merwin
- Mona Van Duyn
- William Hunt
- James Naiden