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March 2005

Rob Gardiner, "Mounted Police, NYC Protest," February 15, 2003.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Christine Hume
  • Peter Campion
  • Garth Greenwell
  • Barry Brummett
  • D. Tracy
POETRY Magazine cover of March 2005 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Triolets in the Argolid

      By Rachel Hadas

      The taste is strong as ever,
      figs and cheese and wine.
      I recall each savor;
      the taste is strong as ever,
      even if it will never
      be quite so fresh again.
      The taste is strong as ever,
      figs and cheese and wine.


      Two sides of one coin
      love and...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine To Fishermen

      By Carol Frost
      No more savage art: filleting: a deft pressure along the

      from tail fan to the red gills: fighting mystery with a
      honed blade

      through the small bones: salt and scales on...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Perfect Life

      By John Koethe
      I have a perfect life. It isn't much,   
      But it's enough for me. It keeps me alive   
      And happy in a vague way: no disappointments   
      On the near horizon, no pangs of doubt;   
      Looking forward in anticipation, looking back   

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