- Christine Hume
- Peter Campion
- Garth Greenwell
- Barry Brummett
- D. Tracy
From this Issue
poemBy Rachel HadasReturnThe taste is strong as ever,figs and cheese and wine.I recall each savor;the taste is strong as ever,even if it will neverbe quite so fresh again.The taste is strong as ever,figs and cheese and wine.ObverseTwo sides of one coinlove and...
poemBy Carol FrostNo more savage art: filleting: a deft pressure along thebackbonefrom tail fan to the red gills: fighting mystery with ahoned bladethrough the small bones: salt and scales on...
poemBy John KoetheI have a perfect life. It isn't much,  ÂBut it's enough for me. It keeps me alive  ÂAnd happy in a vague way: no disappointments  ÂOn the near horizon, no pangs of doubt;  ÂLooking forward in anticipation, looking back  ÂIn...
Table of Contents
J. D. McClatchy
Debora Greger
Rachel Hadas
Carol Frost
John Koethe
Adam Kirsch
Stefi Weisburd
Jehanne Dubrow
Pierre De Ronsard
Albert Goldbarth
Thomas Sayers Ellis, Daisy Fried, Adam Kirsch, and Jeredith Merrin
W. S. Di Piero
D. H. Tracy
Christine Hume
Peter Campion
Garth Greenwell
Barry Brummett
- D. H. Tracy
- Christine Hume
- Peter Campion
- Garth Greenwell
- Barry Brummett