March 2003
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Robert Bly
- Harriet Brown
- Carl Dennis
- Matt Donovan
- Rita Dove
From this Issue
poemBy Yusef Komunyakaa Â    When deeds splay before usÂprecious as gold & unused chancesstripped from the whine-bone,we know the moment kindheartednesswalks in. Each praise beechoes us back as the years uncountthemselves, eating salt. Though bloodfirst shaped us on the climbing...
poemBy Rita DoveI acknowledge my status as a stranger:  ÂInappropriate clothes, odd habits  ÂOut of sync with wasp and wren.  ÂI admit I don’t know how  ÂTo sit still or move without purpose.  ÂI prefer books to moonlight, statuary to trees.  ÂBut this lawn has been leveled for...
poemBy Robert PinskyPindar, poet of the victories, fitted names  ÂAnd legends into verses for the chorus to sing:  ÂNames recalled now only in the poems of Pindar:  ÂO nearly unpronounceable immortals,  ÂIn the dash, Oionos was champion:  ÂOionos, Likmynios's son, who came from Midea.  ÂIn wrestling, Echemos...
Table of Contents
Yusef Komunyakaa
Rita Dove
Ronald Wallace
Jim Nawrocki
Charlene Fix
David Saint John
Harriet Brown
Matt Donovan
Sarah Gorham
Pattiann Rogers
Carl Dennis
Robert Friend
Frederick Feirstein
Bruce F. Murphy
- Yusef Komunyakaa
- Rita Dove
- Ronald Wallace
- Jim Nawrocki
- Robert Pinsky
- Sophocles
- Charlene Fix
- David Saint John
- Harriet Brown
- Matt Donovan
- Sarah Gorham
- Robert Bly