March 1999
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Carole Bernstein
- Deborah Burnham
- Roger Caldwell
- Nancy Carlson
- Elizabeth Chapman
From this Issue
poemBy Allan JohnstonReckless and white as a flashlight beam castinto some dark corner, the mooninsists on the deeper blacknesssurrounding it. Perhaps it wishesto be a woman or a window,cushioning everything, full of itselffor the moment, yet frightened, like any egotist.But still the...
poemBy W. S. MerwinAt times now from some margin of the dayI can hear birds of another countrynot the whole song but a brief phrase of itout of a music that I may have heardonce in a moment I appear to haveforgotten for...
poemBy Robert MorganWhere does such sadness in wood comefrom? How could longing live in thesewires? The box looks like the most fragilecoffin tuned for sound. And laidacross the knees of this womanit looks less like a baby nursedthan some symbolic Pietà,and the...
Table of Contents
David Wagoner
Barry Silesky
Deborah Burnham
Roger Caldwell
Andrew Shields
Allison Funk
William Coleman
Allan Johnston
W. S. Merwin
Robert Morgan
Nancy Naomi Carlson
Carole Bernstein
Elizabeth Holmes
Jennifer Richter
Liz Rosenberg
Elizabeth Biller Chapman
David Lunde
F. D. Reeve
- David Wagoner
- Barry Silesky
- Deborah Burnham
- Roger Caldwell
- Andrew Shields
- Allison Funk
- William Coleman
- Allan Johnston
- W. S. Merwin
- Robert Morgan
- Nancy Naomi Carlson
- Carole Bernstein
- Elizabeth Holmes
- Jennifer Richter
- Liz Rosenberg
- Elizabeth Biller Chapman
- David Lunde
- F. D. Reeve