- Rita Dove
- Cynthia Guardado
- Karen An-hwei Lee
- Meg Day
- Rodney Gomez
From this Issue
poemBy Karen An-hwei LeeThis summer, we drank cardamom iced tea sweetened with agave—savoring an idea of sweetness lingering, not as if we actually ate honeyfrom the lovely overflow of liquid summer heat and soft beeswaxtongued with a wedge of spanakopita and a platter...
poemBy Jan FreemanCrisscross the lines from mother to daughtercrisscross the lines raggedy zigzag in wide strokesthe mother the daughter crisscross their dull thoughtscrisscross their sharp thoughts ziggity zag the linescrisscross their softening linescrisscross the brown lines widening above the blue linescrisscross the...
poemBy Ashanti AndersonThis, what God feels like: laughingalone in an empty room of tiny doors,behind every door a metal box, inside eacha man’s red heart, lying. I don’t writeof the cartoonish thing split and jaggedat its insides. Instead, of how I breakeven...
Table of Contents
Karen An-hwei Lee
Jan Freeman
Ashanti Anderson
Ken Babstock
Drew Swinger
W. Todd Kaneko
Susan Parr
Noah Baldino
Faylita Hicks
Erika MartÍnez
Bradley Trumpfheller
Alla Gorbunova
Ian Pople
Marion McCready
Eleanor Hooker
Tim Seibles
Carol Ann Davis
Karisma Price
Fran Lock
Emily Fragos
Rajiv Mohabir
Cynthia Guardado
Sandra McPherson
Elizabeth Metzger
Miller Oberman
Catherine Cleary
Daniel Schonning
Rodney Gómez
Divya Victor
LaWanda Walters
Anthony Anaxagorou
The View From Here
Nicolas Bos
Leah Ward Sears
John Green
Zach Pino
Mairead Case
Christian Wiman
Torrin A. Greathouse