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June 2016

Anna Maria Maiolino, "The Disappeared, from Photopoemaction
Series," 1979/2014

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Heather Phillipson
  • Sam Sax
  • Stanley Moss
  • Paul Hoover
  • Sinéad Morrissey
POETRY Magazine cover for June 2016 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine From “more flinching”

      By Heather Phillipson

      close to his
      WET dog’s eye
      & a FAT tear shared
      animal PAIN sloshed &
      seeped in between us —
      “darling I’m sorry you
      were born a dog &
      people notice it”


      like a clue
      we found PEOPLE
      in the KITCHEN
      in the SUICIDE VEST

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Worry

      By Sam Sax
      is a woman
      burying bread

      beneath her lawn.
      praying for summer

      to make whole loaves
      break in their plastic

      shells through dirt
      like so many hands.

      worry is how i thumb
      a groove in the stolen

      jewel case in my back
      pocket at tower

      records, the man
      puts his hands

      on me & i’m...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Thing Written

      By Stanley Moss
      The thing written is a sexual thing,
      may bite, tell a truth some have died for,
      even the most casual initialing
      is a touch of love and what love goes for.
      A sometime thing, it smiles or has an ugly grin,
      on the page or...

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