June 2007
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Frank Bidart
- Roddy Lumsden
- Mary Jo Bang
- Guy Goffette
- Ange Mlinko
From this Issue
poemBy Mary Jo BangFragile like a child is fragile.Destined not to be forever.Destined to become otherTo mother. Here I amSitting on a chair, thinkingAbout you. ThinkingAbout how it wasTo talk to you.How sometimes it was wonderful...
poemBy Ange MlinkoReaching for the vinegar over the range hood(still dashing grass wisps on the gas flamesfrom the exhaust vent where we bootedthat brooding sparrow)I remember the rabbit in the Tiergartenthat perched on its spatula feet...
poemBy Charles BernsteinI ruin my hats and all the mat slides gladI hop my girls and all is skip againI jump I run you up inside my truckThe car goes looping out in dark and lightAnd yellow...
Table of Contents
Roddy Lumsden
Mary Jo Bang
Guy Goffette
Ange Mlinko
John Koethe
Charles Bernstein
Mary Kinzie
David Biespiel
David Krump
Joel Brouwer
Ralph Sneeden
A.E. Stallings
Daisy Fried
A. F. Moritz
Dana Levin
David Yezzi
Heidy Steidlmayer
Robert VanderMolen
Jeffrey Skinner
- David Biespiel
- Claudia Emerson
- David Krump
- Joel Brouwer
- Ralph Sneeden
- A.E. Stallings
- Craig Arnold
- Daisy Fried