June 1941
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Amy Bonner
- Kenneth Alling
- Walter de La Mare
- José Garcia Villa
- John Hay
Table of Contents
Nine Poems
Walter De La Mare
Charles Miller
Kenneth Slade Alling
Weldon Kees
Louis Zukofsky
Two Poems
Ruth Lechlitner
John Hay
Dean P. Jeffress
Harold Rosenberg
Emily Porter St. John
Four Poems
Winfield Townley Scott
Richard Eberhart
Babette Deutsch
Stanley Kunitz
Harvey Breit
Willard Maas
Morgan Blum
Amy Bonner
- Walter De La Mare
- Charles Miller
- Kenneth Slade Alling
- Weldon Kees
- Louis Zukofsky
- Ruth Lechlitner
- John Hay
- Dean P. Jeffress
- José Garcia Villa
- Harold Rosenberg
- Emily Porter St. John
- Winfield Townley Scott
- Richard Eberhart
- Babette Deutsch
- Stanley Kunitz
- Harvey Breit
- E. S. Forgotson
- Willard Maas
- Morgan Blum
- Amy Bonner