July 1964
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Jonathan Aaron
- Daisy Aldan
- Philip Booth
- Edwin Burrows
- Mac Hammond
Table of Contents
Versions of Kozma Prutkov
Ronald Johnson
Edwin Gladding Burrows
Mac Hammond
From "An Outdoor Blake Festival"
John Tagliabue
Leonard E. Nathan
Robert Stock
Lew Welch
Sandra Hochman
Daisy Aldan
Richard Kelly
Jonathan Aaron
Philip Booth
William E. Stafford
Hayden Carruth
Richard Howard
- Innocence by Association
- A Western Sampler (Ed. by editors of Talisman)
- A Poetry Sampler and Contemporary American Poetry (Ed. by Donald Hall)
- Twentieth-Century German Verse (Ed. by Patrick Bridgwater)
- The Penguin Book of Religious Verse (Ed. by R. S. Thomas)
- The Mentor Book of Major British Poets from William Blake to Dylan Thomas (Ed. by Oscar Williams)
- The Modern Poets: An American-British Anthology (Ed. by John Malcolm Brinnin and Bill Read)
- Flower in My Ear: Arts and Ethos of Ifaluk Atoll, by Edwin Grant Burrows
Samuel French Morse
- Robert Frost and John Bartlett: The Record of a Friendship, by Margaret Bartlett Anderson
- The Major Themes of Robert Frost, by Radcliffe Squires
- The Poetry of Robert Frost: Constellations of Intention, by Reuben A. Brower
- Robert Frost: Farm-Poultryman (Ed. by Edward Connery Lathem and Lawrance Thompson)
- The Letters of Robert Frost to Louis Untermeyer (Ed. by Louis Untermeyer)
- A Beginning
Dabney Stuart
- It Catches My Heart in Its Hands, by Charles Bukowski
- Poet as Bad Guy, by Ron Offen
- Hermes Past the Hour, by Judson Crews
- The World of the Lie, by Ron Loewinsohn
- Unfair Arguments with Existence: Seven Plays for a New Theater, by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
- Mirandum, by Vincent Ferrini
- The Twenty-Third of Love, by Mason Jordan Mason
- The New Handbook of Heaven, by Diane di Prima
- Seven Poets and a Playwright
Harry Strickhausen
- The Poet Kao Ch'i, 1336-1374, by F. W. Mote
- Shakespeare: A Biography, by Peter Quennell
- The Religious Sonnets of Dylan Thomas: A Study in Imagery and Meaning, by H. H. Kleinman
- The Poetry of W. H. Auden: The Disenchanted Island, by Monroe K. Spears
- Swifter than Reason: The Poetry and Criticism of Robert Graves, by Douglas Day
- The Loyalties of Robinson Jeffers, by Radcliffe Squires
- Recent Criticism
- Kozma Prutkov
- Ronald Johnson
- Edwin Gladding Burrows
- Mac Hammond
- John Tagliabue
- Leonard E. Nathan
- Robert Stock
- Lew Welch
- Sandra Hochman
- Daisy Aldan
- Richard Kelly
- Jonathan Aaron
- Philip Booth
- William E. Stafford
- Hayden Carruth
- Richard Howard
- Samuel French Morse
- Dabney Stuart
- Harry Strickhausen