January 1964
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Wallace Fowlie
- Edmund Keeley
- Ben Belitt
- Stig Dagerman
- Larry Eigner
Table of Contents
Anne Sexton
Stig Dagerman
Robert S. Sward
David Galler
Reeve Spencer Kelley
John Haines
Laurence Lieberman
Lewis Turco
Allen Kanfer
Michael Goldman
Edmund Keeley
David Galler
- The Use of Anthologies
- Modern Brazilian Poetry (Ed. byJohn Nist) [Joo Cabral de Melo Neto]
- Modern German Poetry: 1910-1960 (Ed. by Michael Hamburger and Christopher Middleton)
- The Mentor Book of Major American Poets (Ed. by Oscar Williams and Edwin Honig)
- Modern American Poetry and Modern British Poetry (Ed. by Louis Untermeyer)
- Poet's Choice (Ed. by Paul Engle and Joseph Langland)
- The Crystal Cabinet (Ed. by Horace Gregory and Marya Zaturenska)
- Tom Tiddler's Ground (Ed. by Walter de la Mare)
Kenneth McRobbie
- Canadian Chronicle
- The First Five Years: A Selection from The Tamarack Review (Ed. by Robert Weaver)
- Sun Stone, by Octavio Paz (Tr. by Peter Miller)
- A Shifting Pattern, by Peter Miller
- Ice Cod Bell or Stone, by Earle Birney
- The Things Which Are, by Alden Nowlan
- Five New Brunswick Poets
- Twelve Letters to a Small Town, by James Reaney
- The Sea Is Also a Garden, by Phyllis Webb
- Collected Poems, by A. J. M. Smith
Wallace Fowlie
- Ben Belitt
- Anne Sexton
- Larry Eigner
- Stig Dagerman
- Robert S. Sward
- David Galler
- Reeve Spencer Kelley
- John Haines
- Laurence Lieberman
- Lewis Turco
- Allen Kanfer
- Michael Goldman
- William Carlos Williams
- Edmund Keeley
- Joseph Langland
- Kenneth McRobbie
- Wallace Fowlie