January 1955
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Edith Sitwell
- Robert Graves
- Robert Dana
- Joanne De Longchamps
- Pierre de Ronsard
Table of Contents
Federico García Lorca
Peter B. Walsh
Ben Maddow
Robert Patrick Dana
Leslie A. Fiedler
James Wright
Three Sonnets of Ronsard
Pierre De Ronsard
Joanne De Longchamps
Stanley Moss
Allen Kanfer
Philip Murray
Three Poems
Galway Kinnell
Four Poems
Herbert Morris
Hugh Kenner
Robert Graves
David Wagoner
- Federico García Lorca
- Peter B. Walsh
- Ben Maddow
- Robert Patrick Dana
- Leslie A. Fiedler
- James Wright
- Pierre De Ronsard
- Joanne De Longchamps
- Stanley Moss
- Allen Kanfer
- Neil Weiss
- Philip Murray