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February 2010

Greg Clarke, “The Codependents,” 1993

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Robert Hass
  • Martha Zweig
  • Robert VanderMolen
  • J. Rosser
  • Joshua Mehigan
Image of Poetry magazine cover February 2010
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine September Notebook: Stories

      By Robert Hass
      Everyone comes here from a long way off
      (is a line from a poem I read last night).

                                   *     *     *

      Driving up 80 in the haze, they talked and talked.
      (Smoke in the air shimmering from wildfires.)
      His story was sad and hers was roiled,...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Carolina

      By Martha Zweig
      Nonentity’s birthplace: a front yard sweeps
      its dirt clean. Devil hopped up the oak tree,
      devil-take-the-profit seized  
      a jay in the twigs by the feet, wings buffeting

      this child’s cheeks to rhyme. Leaf of gift
      box tissue folded over her pocket comb. Hind
      pocket kazoo. Won’t...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine A Bowl of Fruit

      By Robert VanderMolen
      When I think of that room
      I see the de Kooning at the end of the hall

      Sometimes rain on the long windows
      Or the tinkering of drops on the skylight

      But not Yvon
      Splashing Scotch into a cocktail glass

      Otherwise fastidious—

      In retrospect
      I should have asked...

Table of Contents

Letters to the Editor