February 1956
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Joseph Beach
- Charles Bell
- Irving Feldman
- Andrew Glaze
- Rolfe Humphries
Table of Contents
Three Poems
Stanley Kunitz
Kenneth Koch
Two Poems
John Tagliabue
Three Poems
Winfield Townley Scott
Two Poems
Louis Johnson
Three Poems
Mary Owings Miller
Andrew Glaze
Charles G. Bell
Irving Feldman
Professor Emeritus Joseph Warren Beach
Four Poems
James Merrill
Donald Hall
Warren Carrier
W. K. Wimsatt Jr.
Brom Weber
- Stanley Kunitz
- Kenneth Koch
- Rolfe Humphries
- John Tagliabue
- Winfield Townley Scott
- Louis Johnson
- Herbert Morris
- Mary Owings Miller
- Andrew Glaze
- Charles G. Bell
- Irving Feldman
- Professor Emeritus Joseph Warren Beach
- Helen Singer
- James Merrill
- Donald Hall
- Warren Carrier
- W. K. Wimsatt Jr.
- Brom Weber