February 1925
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Jean Catel
- Harriet Monroe
- John Beck
- Kay Boyle
- James Daly
Table of Contents
John Oscar Beck
Paintrock Road
Edwin Ford Piper
Julia M. Peterkin
Choctawhatchee Sonnets
Mildred Plew Merryman
Constance Lindsay Skinner
May Williams Ward
In the Ward
Arthur Doyle
Kay Boyle
Jessica Nelson North
Marjorie Meeker
Harriet Monroe
Jean Catel
Harriet Monroe
Marion Strobel
Raymond Knister
Harriet Monroe
- John Oscar Beck
- Edwin Ford Piper
- Julia M. Peterkin
- Mildred Plew Merryman
- Constance Lindsay Skinner
- May Williams Ward
- Arthur Doyle
- James Daly
- Kay Boyle
- Jessica Nelson North
- Marjorie Meeker
- Harriet Monroe
- Jean Catel
- Marion Strobel
- Raymond Knister