December 2004
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Jon Peede
- Marilyn Nelson
- Stuart Tiffen
- David Slavitt
- Robert Godwin
From this Issue
poemBy Nance Van WinckelPeople, don't ask me again where my shoes are.The valley I walked through was frozen to meas I was to it. My heavy hide, my zinctalisman—I'm fine, people. Don't stareat my feet. And don't flash the sign of the crossin...
poemBy Reginald GibbonsSleeplessin the cold dark,I lookthrough the closed dimdoor be-fore me, which be-comes anabyss intowhich mymemories havefallenpast laughter orhorror,passion or hardwork—mymemories ofour pastlaughter, horror,passion,hard work. An acheof be-ing. An ache ofbeing,over love. Anache ofbeing overlove. Likeprojections onthe screenof the heavywindowcurtains, flashinglights...
Table of Contents
Dean Young
Anne Rouse
Stephen Dunn
Doug Anderson
Erin Ferretti Slattery
David Biespiel
Ed Skoog
Kevin Simmonds
Dick Allen
Richard Hoffman
Amy Beeder
David Baker
Rosanna Warren
Matthew Doherty
David Orr
Brenda Wineapple
Jon Mooallem
Jon Parrish Peede
Marilyn Nelson
Stuart Tiffen
David R. Slavitt
Robert B. Godwin
Eleanor Wilner
Brian M. Amend
Cecelia Hagen
- Nance Van Winckel
- Reginald Gibbons
- Dean Young
- Anne Rouse
- Stephen Dunn
- Doug Anderson
- Erin Ferretti Slattery
- H. L. Hix
- Gerald Stern
- David Biespiel
- Jon Mooallem
- Jon Parrish Peede
- Marilyn Nelson
- Stuart Tiffen
- David R. Slavitt
- Robert B. Godwin
- Eleanor Wilner
- Brian M. Amend
- Cecelia Hagen