December 2003
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Averill Curdy
- Aaron Bannister
- Albert Goldbarth
- Barbara Goldberg
- Charlie Smith
From this Issue
poemBy Jane HirshfieldYou change a lifeas eating an artichoke changes the tasteof whatever is eaten after.Yet you are not an artichoke, not a piano or cat—not objectively present at all—and what of you a cat possesses is essential but narrow:to know if...
poemBy Reginald GibbonsDown in the blue-green waterat nightfall some selving shapesfloat fluorescing, trance-dancing,trembling to the rhythm oftheodoxical marching-music that they hear overthe mere noise of the breaking...
Table of Contents
John Koethe
Rebecca Black
Aaron Bannister
James Warner
Jane Hirshfield
Reginald Gibbons
Gael Turnbull
Randall Mann
Albert Goldbarth
Christine Garren
Robert Gibb
Talvikki Ansel
Maggie Dietz
Charlie Smith
Barbara Goldberg
Dan Chiasson
Kathleen Flenniken
Robert VanderMolen
Robert Bly
Matthew Doherty
Averill Curdy
Adam Kirsch and Kevin Young
David Barber
- John Koethe
- Rebecca Black
- Michalle Gould
- Aaron Bannister
- James Warner
- Jane Hirshfield
- Reginald Gibbons
- Gael Turnbull
- Randall Mann