December 1930
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Morton Zabel
- Harriet Monroe
- Henriette Blanding
- Carl Bostelmann
- Benjamin Brooks
Table of Contents
Edward J. O'Brien
Katharine Duncan Morse
Florence Edsall
Four Poems
Henriette DeSaussure Blanding
Helena Carus
Three Poems
Naomi Duff
Josephine Johnson
White Beauty
Jessica Powers
Frederick Ten Hoor
Edwin Lewis Peterson
Dexter Masters
Three Poems
Carl John Bostelmann
Two Poems
Benjamin Gilbert Brooks
Words on the Wind
May Sarton
Around the Ring
Charles Oluf Olsen
Charles Oluf Olsen
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Harriet Monroe
Bertha Ten Eyck James
- Edward J. O'Brien
- Katharine Duncan Morse
- Florence Edsall
- Henriette DeSaussure Blanding
- Helena Carus
- Naomi Duff
- Josephine Johnson
- Jessica Powers
- Frederick Ten Hoor
- Edwin Lewis Peterson
- Dexter Masters
- Carl John Bostelmann
- Benjamin Gilbert Brooks
- May Sarton
- Charles Oluf Olsen
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Harriet Monroe
- Bertha Ten Eyck James