August 1935
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Edward Davison
- Harriet Monroe
- Oscar Brynes
- Guy Carden
- Clifford Dyment
Table of Contents
Earth Dominant
Frances Kitchell Lamar
Three Poems
Raymond Ellsworth F. Larsson
Secret Idiom
Clifford Dyment
Harold Vinal
Two Poems
Randall Swingler
Frederick Ten Hoor
Weather Notes
Jacob Hauser
Mary N. S. Whiteley
In Kansas
Kenneth W. Porter
Napier Towne
Guy Carden
Sky Lines
Daniel W. Smythe
Harriet Monroe
F. R. Leavis
Horace Gregory
D. G. Bridson
Hildegarde Flanner
Raymond Holden
- Frances Kitchell Lamar
- H. R. Hays
- Oscar Brynes
- Raymond Ellsworth F. Larsson
- Clifford Dyment
- Harold Vinal
- Randall Swingler
- Frederick Ten Hoor
- Jacob Hauser
- Mary N. S. Whiteley
- Kenneth W. Porter
- Napier Towne
- Guy Carden
- Daniel W. Smythe
- Harriet Monroe
- F. R. Leavis
- Horace Gregory
- D. G. Bridson
- Hildegarde Flanner
- Raymond Holden