April 2000
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Michael Chitwood
- Billy Collins
- Gregory Djanikian
- Faye George
- Mary Gilliland
From this Issue
poemBy Joanie MackowskiTwo wandering across the porcelainSiberia, one alone on the window sill,four across the ceiling's senseless fieldof pale yellow, one negotiating foldsin a towel: tiny, bronze-colored, antennae'strongly elbowed,' crawling over Antonyand Cleopatra, face...
poemBy Albert GoldbarthJohn-O was given a key to the apartment. The dealwas this: if Phil died suddenly, and John-O heard,he would rush on over, enter the apartment, leaveunseen with Phil’s brown suitcase, and secretly pitch itinto the mounded deeps of the city...
Table of Contents
Billy Collins
Michael Chitwood
Dennis Held
Elton Glaser
Jeanne Murray Walker
Joanie Mackowski
Susan Kelly-DeWitt
Joyce Sutphen
Angela Shaw
Albert Goldbarth
Jack Myers
G.C. Waldrep
Mary Gilliland
Faye George
Gregory Djanikian
Joe-Anne McLaughlin-Carruth
Joshua Mehigan
Kevin Meaux
Ben Howard
David Yezzi
- Faye George
- Gregory Djanikian
- Joe-Anne McLaughlin-Carruth
- Joshua Mehigan
- Kevin Meaux
- Ben Howard
- David Yezzi