April 1973
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- John Hollander
- Fanny Howe
- John Morris
- Paul Nemser
- Steven Orlen
Table of Contents
James Schuyler
Steven Orlen
Fanny Howe
Vern Rutsala
John N. Morris
John Richard Reed
- Magicians and Others
- The Typewriter Revolution & Other Poems, by D. J. Enright
- High Tide in the Garden, by Fleur Adcock
- Acting Immortal, by R. P. Dickey
- Bucyrus, by John Matthias
- The Daughters, by Stephen Berg
- Severance Pay, by Philip Whalen
- Riverbed, by David Wagoner
- More Under Saturn, by William Dickey
- James Schuyler
- Steven Orlen
- Fanny Howe
- Paul Nemser
- Mark Rudman
- Vern Rutsala
- John N. Morris
- John Hollander
- Thomas Shapcott
- John Richard Reed